You Are Not Broken

You are Healing…

  Image by Trym Nilsen via Unsplash

  Image by Trym Nilsen via Unsplash

You are not broken. You are mending. Allow your body to heal. Breathe the fresh air that outside has to offer. Soak up the sun that your body needs. Walk barefoot on the ground to feel the Earth supporting you. Burn the incense of light to cleanse you. Smell the aroma of herbs and oils to cleanse you. Give thanks for every bite you take no matter how small, no matter how nauseating. You need your sustenance. Allow your body to rest and sleep without guilt.

You are not broken. You are healing from past traumas, heartbreaks, and pain. It will take time but you are learning to love that heartbroken adult.

You are not broken. Your mind is stubbornly resisting the truth about yourself. You matter. You are enough. You are a Child of God. Accept your own truths.

 Image by Kyle Broad via Unsplash

 Image by Kyle Broad via Unsplash

You are not broken. You are entitled to your feelings. You are carefully learning and choosing what is good for your body and soul. Stay with your feelings. Cry and scream if you must. Know that your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel your emotions.

You are not broken. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. Embrace that beautiful messy imperfections. Love yourself just as you are.

You are not broken. You are staying on your path. No matter how slow. One foot in front of another is all you need. You have the support of the Universe.

You are not broken. The world you are living right now may be in chaos. But you can choose to remain in a place of peace. Always have time for silence. For meditation. For prayers. Breathe.

You are not broken. Your soul is trying to process. You have all the guidance and help you need. Listen to the whispers of the trees, the song of the birds, the call of the creatures. Mother Nature is trying to heal and you are part of that healing process.

You are not broken. The darkness may seem endless. But the light always breaks through. It’s there. Within you. Waiting for your call. To break open and show your own light.

Image by Vanessa Kruger via Shutterstock

Image by Vanessa Kruger via Shutterstock

You are not broken. Yes there are cracks. But that’s how you show the world your vulnerability with great authenticity. Show your true self. Only then will you be free.

You are not broken. You are healing. You are learning. You are breaking through barriers.

You are loved. You are Love. You are Divinely protected.


“There is a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in. “ ~Leonard Cohen (Selected Poems, 1956-1968)

Anna Evans

I am a writer at heart. My love for art and my creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion, as I was catapulted into a profession that I offered my love and passion for, and held it noble for 30+ years of my life.

I am a wife and a mom to 2 brilliant young adults/old souls. Going through midlife and empty-nesting, I have learned the power of true human connection.

I have a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy with 30+ experience in clinical practice, administration, academia, and academic administration. I am a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.


Head Up…Wings Out


I Only Need a Little Bit