“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
And The Soul Felt Its Worth
We let the world tell us that our worth is based entirely on what’s outside of us, on what can be seen. We’re not measured simply by our existence but rather by what we can offer. That light. That spark. That’s the Divine in you. The Christ in you. Let it radiate. That is what the world needs. That is what you can offer. That is what your Soul is worth. Do not let anyone outside of you tell you otherwise.
The Season Of My Soul
Just like the autumn leaves, I change, I let go, and I move on. This is the soul of my season. This is the season of my Soul.
Tend to Your Soul
Soul exhaustion can happen to anyone at any time because life requires a lot from us. It’s all-consuming. When you’re in the thick of it, it’s easy to withdraw from people you love and crave solitude. Save time to dig deeper into that hollowed-out Soul. Take your time so you can figure out what it is that you need to make your soul feel alive again.
In the Hammock’s Womb
In the belly of the hammock is that Inner Child seeking validation and wanting to know her own worth. I felt the hammock womb’s warm embrace, giving me assurances that all is well, in spite of my fears and insecurities. No criticisms. No need to prove anything. No need to show my worth. Just be that child in the womb, being cared for—safe, and secure. Tears don’t come out freely from this tired spirit, but I took a deep breath and just let myself be lulled within that womb.
Spirit Award
SPIRIT AWARD- teamwork. My mind, body, and soul have to be aligned with my real life’s purpose. Team-spirit- the energy I have to put out into the world to make my life’s work come to full fruition. That’s the work I needed to do. Give it a try! This time, you’ll make it.
Back to Center
I’m giving myself space. To center. To allow the pressure to subside from this tiny physique, worn out from all the stresses life has put upon this past year. To put my heart into what I’m doing at this moment. This very moment. When I’m writing. Pen to paper. Heart into creation.
Show me how to love myself in spite of. Show me tricks without judgment on how to let go. Because now, I can't do anything else but float...and trust-- holding on to the belief that this too shall pass and the knowledge that I am not floating alone in this water called LIFE. I know that I am guided by divine purpose, and as I allow myself to trust in that, I can remain weightless, until it's time to let go of the things that are weighing me down.
That Fairy Tale Challenge
As you read through these lines, know that you are not alone. Know that you are enough– more than enough; even if the only thing that you did today was to pray and breathe. That prayer that you just did? That breathing exercise and meditation that you just finished? Those send energy and vibes into this world depleted of feelings of worthiness.
Inspired Dialogue
You shine a radiant unique light. Please know that your energy is cherished by all those you’ve touched. I am looking deep into your eyes and feel filled with gratitude. Thank you for being here! For being you. You’ve got this!
Embracing the Light
In the darkness, I can feel my pounding heartbeat slow down. I can hear my intense thoughts give up. I can sense my tensed body loosen up. The filth dissolves. And for at least a little while, I can perceive a sense of normalcy that I haven’t felt in a very long time.
The Futility of Putting My Life On Hold
It’s exhausting. It’s tiring. It’s mind-numbing. I need to stay in the moment. I have to find the good. In the present. I need to live a life where I can be here and now. Not blaming the past. Not feeling anxious about what the future holds. Here and now…
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