And The Soul Felt Its Worth

This verse from the Christmas song “O Holy Night” just popped into my head while I was reading a book that was so unrelated to the song (Hey, don’t ask me! My capricious muse just comes out whenever and wherever. I’m just a channel).

“O Holy Night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”

That’s the whole stanza of the song. I never pay much attention to Christmas carols anymore, but somehow, the verse “Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth” was in my head during my morning reflection and struck a chord in my heart.


I am not much of a religious person, but there’s the “Christ” in Christmas. Umm…nope, Christ was not Jesus’ last name, I don’t think so. What does “Christ” mean to me? For me, it is the Divinity that lives in all of us—the goodness, the blessed, the joy, the glorious, the light…THE LIGHT.

That light…do you see it in yourself? It’s there. It’s always been there. Even if you don’t recognize it. 

Image by Jamie Street via Unsplash

Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Now, feel that light.  It might just be a tiny spark, but it’s still a light. Feel that light glowing from inside you, emanating within your body, then out into the world. There! That’s the light, the glorious light that is the Christ within you waiting to be reborn…

Will you allow it? Will you let that Christ in you be born…to appear…to be seen? It is there, no matter how tiny the spark, somehow, someone will notice.

Look around you. Do you see the light in others? The Christ in them? Do you see the splendor?

…” Till he appeared…”

Thousands of years ago, a Christ was born, in a lowly, humble manger. Before he walked among us, performed miracles, voiced out his teachings, betrayed, sacrificed. Before he rose from the dead. Before all that, he simply appeared. A lowly spark of light turned into a glorious radiance. It is only through feeling the presence of that light within us, the Christ within us— are we able to feel the full magnitude of our value.


There’s this need that we often don’t quite know how to express. We easily confuse our longing for love or happiness with the longing to know that we are worthy.

The need to feel worthy is so deeply embedded in our psyche, that we tend to base it on the external, our societal dictates. Our souls are given the opportunity to experience the fullness of our worth, but we were told something very different.

We let the world tell us that our worth is based entirely on what’s outside of us, on what can be seen. We’re not measured simply by our existence but rather by what we can offer. That light. That spark. That’s the Divine in you. The Christ in you. Let it radiate. That is what the world needs. That is what you can offer. That is what your Soul is worth. Do not let anyone outside of you tell you otherwise.

Allow yourself to know, really know, just who you are.

Image by Dewang Gupta via Unsplash

You are Light.

You are Divine.

You are Beloved.

You are Enough

You are Worthy…

Worthy of all the good things that life has to offer.

Worthy of the love that you give in return.

Worthy of the abundance that you see around you.

Worthy of Living…


Worthy of living

Keep on living

Keep on going

Keep on shining


I see you.

I bow to the Light in you.

I bow to the Divine in you.

And so it is.

Image by David Ananda via Unsplash

Anna Evans

I am a writer at heart. My love for art and my creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion, as I was catapulted into a profession that I offered my love and passion for, and held it noble for 30+ years of my life.

I am a wife and a mom to 2 brilliant young adults/old souls. Going through midlife and empty-nesting, I have learned the power of true human connection.

I have a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy with 30+ experience in clinical practice, administration, academia, and academic administration. I am a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.



