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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

That Old Country Store

I’m hoping that when things settle down, I can still find the comfort that this Southern country store offered during my kids’ growing years. That it will be there waiting for us with the rocking chairs waiting upfront, the scent of childhood candies and scented candles in the front store, the cozy wood-burning fireplace, the hustle and bustle to serve the best comfort food in this part of our world, and the lovely southern voice that comes with hospitality.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Rise Up

And so you show up into the world with your head held high and say: “You’ve seen my descent. Now watch my rising” (Rumi). 

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

True North

Through my Infinite Self, I am now able to look at my Self from a higher vantage point where I am able to reflect on every challenge that I have tackled and dealt with.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Soften Your Gaze

Soften your gaze. Be aware. Do not miss out on the present moment, where you are Divinely supported….where you are Divinely guided. Expand your vision and be aware of all the possibilities the Universe has to offer. It is yours for the taking.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

In The Eye of The Storm

Being Present.

Letting the Light In.

Knowing that my "YOU' is bigger than my doubts and fears.

BIG LESSONS I have yet to master...

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


Show me how to love myself in spite of.  Show me tricks without judgment on how to let go. Because now, I can't do anything else but float...and trust-- holding on to the belief that this too shall pass and the knowledge that I am not floating alone in this water called LIFE. I know that I am guided by divine purpose, and as I allow myself to trust in that, I can remain weightless, until it's time to let go of the things that are weighing me down.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

The Present of Presence

As I paddled on the lake this Christmas afternoon, I did not fail to notice:

The beautiful sound of chimes coming from one of the lake houses

My daughter’s spirit as she fearlessly paddled alone to the other end of the lake

The sunlight hitting the waters

The sun on my face

The cool breeze on my face

The squawk of an osprey nesting on the tree

The sound of the water lapping with the strong currents

And then peace in the middle of nowhere…

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

That Fairy Tale Challenge

As you read through these lines, know that you are not alone. Know that you are enough– more than enough; even if the only thing that you did today was to pray and breathe. That prayer that you just did? That breathing exercise and meditation that you just finished? Those send energy and vibes into this world depleted of feelings of worthiness.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Petal Maze

The petals are calling softly,

To tiptoe through what awaits me

Faint-hearted to bruise the petals on the way

But frightened it’ll all slip away

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Focus on Your Strength

Keep on reaching out. Focus on your strength. Focus on your love. Know that there will always be another hand reaching out to pull you out from whatever you are stuck on. And remember how blessed you are to be alive.

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Guest User Guest User

God’s In Control

Lord…Let me pause and entrust things to Your wisdom and providence….Teach me the humility to accept the daily events which are beyond my control. I pray with fervent faith and trust that my heavenly Father indeed has everything under His loving direction, Amen.

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Guest User Guest User

God’s Omnipresence

As we kneel in humble gratitude, fill our hearts with joy and inspiration as we acknowledge how blessed we are to belong in Your flock. Fill us with Your love that we may share with others whatever we have, no matter how small nor insignificant they may be—with deep gratitude and joy, in Your mighty name, Amen.

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Guest User Guest User

Spiritual Gifts

Lord, thank You for the gifts that You have given me to make my life fruitful by sharing these gifts with others. For building myself, my family and the Christian community as I continue to inspire and share these gifts with love, patience, mercy, and creativity, especially during these times. Let my heart be open to Your future plans, to share the Good News of Your Divine Love to others, until I finally come home to You, the Source of all Love, and bountiful gifts. Amen.

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Guest User Guest User

Guardian Angels

I pray for the grace to always listen to His voice as I continue to travel as a pilgrim in this desert of life until I finally arrive to You, my Home for all eternity, Amen.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Standing Out

TO MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER: I hear your drums beating along your heartbeat that you alone can offer to the world. I see your heart above anyone else’s. That’s how people like you. You are your own Self, and you don’t let anything get in your way. That’s how you STAND OUT!

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Guest User Guest User

The Bounty of Blessings

Our Father knows our needs more than we realize. We just have to ask in deep faith and fervent hope for the things that we need and He will surprise us with His graciousness beyond our expectations.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

The Soul to Dare

When you take the risk to get to that mountaintop, you get to see the whole picture. Your vision is clearer. You get to see the whole dance. You get to see humanity, yours, and theirs. You get to see that no matter how small the steps you took, and how many times you stumbled and get hurt and bruised, you are still standing. You are stronger than ever. You are bolder than ever. Your dreams are clearer than ever.

Dare to take that first step. You will always be Divinely guided and protected.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Focus On Your Love

Focus on your LOVE. That one unique Love that only you can give. To the ones most important to you. That love is your sliver of light. That love will be the outgrowth, an offshoot that you can cling on to haul yourself up.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


I am still transforming. I am still evolving-- but in a different way. My transformation has to adapt to our current situation. I have to adapt to the current situation. I don’t have to chase anything at this time. I think that’s what resilience means, for now-- continuing to evolve by just BEing. Not forcing anything. Just let things “light on me”. Then with transformation comes wisdom.

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