Standing Out

Wisdom Through My Daughter’s Lens

Why fit in when you were born to stand out. “ ~Dr. Seuss

This is something that I am learning from my daughter as she grows up into a tremendously beautiful and courageous young woman...

Trying to fit in and to be seen as “normal” can take too much of your time and energy. What people call normal is actually boring. Besides, why be normal when you can be exceptional?

When you try to fit in, you blend in and go unnoticed. But when you go against the grain, you stand out, even when it means you have to stand alone. And when you stand out, people notice. People might judge you, but who cares? You are your own judge. You just can’t help the attention drawn to you.

Dance to the beat of your own drums. That’s what makes you stand out, not physically but as a beautiful soul that people can’t help but draw attention to.

It’s more about your inner personality— your kindness, your compassion, your wisdom. The way you smile. The way you laugh. The way you Love. The way you live your life with integrity.

Everyday we have the choice to STAND OUT.  Every day you have the choice to be amazing. To go beyond what is average, or ordinary, or typical. We can choose to be EXCEPTIONAL. Why follow the crowd when you can be blazing your own trail?

Be confident enough to stand up for what is right, even when you stand alone. Never lower your standards. Instead, lift others around you to raise their standards to yours. 

Image by Slava via Unsplash

Image by Slava via Unsplash

TO MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER: I hear your drums beating along your heartbeat that you alone can offer to the world. I see your heart above anyone else’s. That’s how people like you. You are your own Self, and you don’t let anything get in your way. That’s how you STAND OUT!

Anna Evans

I am a writer at heart. My love for art and my creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion, as I was catapulted into a profession that I offered my love and passion for, and held it noble for 30+ years of my life.

I am a wife and a mom to 2 brilliant young adults/old souls. Going through midlife and empty-nesting, I have learned the power of true human connection.

I have a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy with 30+ experience in clinical practice, administration, academia, and academic administration. I am a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.


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