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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

What Was and What’s To Be

As I learn to find solace in that rock bottom, I am finding the beauty—how my heart feels, how my mind overthinks, how my Soul refuses to be tempered. In the spirit of love and forgiveness, I am also learning to reclaim my power back. Just looking at the beauty of that deep valley in my mind, I know this place serves a purpose.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


Cast your cares, you tender being

Cast your heart and hear it beating

Cast your mind and know you’re willing

Cast your soul and find yourself conquering

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

On A Much Grander Scale

It’s time for me to create for MYSELF what I have been creating for other people’s lives for 40+ years of my life. Now is the time for ME to step into my own light. And in doing so, I will have more impact that will help the generations to come, as I lead by example and inspiration on a much grander scale.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Back to Center

I’m giving myself space. To center. To allow the pressure to subside from this tiny physique, worn out from all the stresses life has put upon this past year. To put my heart into what I’m doing at this moment. This very moment. When I’m writing. Pen to paper. Heart into creation.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

When They Fly Away

They are old souls, I'm sure of that— teaching me how to navigate through life's circumstances and complexities. Everyday I’m proud of their kindness, their efforts, their hearts—and for that, I AM TRULY BLESSED.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


Find me.

You recognize my presence but do you heed my being?

I feel the warmth of love and the chill of restraint.

You surround me with safety yet I feel the release of love in abandon.

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