“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
In the Hammock’s Womb
In the belly of the hammock is that Inner Child seeking validation and wanting to know her own worth. I felt the hammock womb’s warm embrace, giving me assurances that all is well, in spite of my fears and insecurities. No criticisms. No need to prove anything. No need to show my worth. Just be that child in the womb, being cared for—safe, and secure. Tears don’t come out freely from this tired spirit, but I took a deep breath and just let myself be lulled within that womb.
Back to Center
I’m giving myself space. To center. To allow the pressure to subside from this tiny physique, worn out from all the stresses life has put upon this past year. To put my heart into what I’m doing at this moment. This very moment. When I’m writing. Pen to paper. Heart into creation.
Soften Your Gaze
Soften your gaze. Be aware. Do not miss out on the present moment, where you are Divinely supported….where you are Divinely guided. Expand your vision and be aware of all the possibilities the Universe has to offer. It is yours for the taking.
Keeping My Purpose
I know there can be no replacements on who can take over the life I live. The experiences I share. The motivations I give. The love I offer. The work that I am giving my Soul into. No one carries the same message to share with to the world.
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