Keeping My Purpose

Re-focus, Re-direct, Re-align

“I was gonna conquer the world but then I saw something shiny.” ~ Anonymous

Image by Leon Biss via Unsplash

Image by Leon Biss via Unsplash

I had bouts of panic attacks this morning. I haven’t been getting much of these anxiety attacks for months albeit what’s going on globally.

Where is this coming from?

I went into Balasana (or Child’s pose in yoga) in my bed. Nothing.

To de-stress, I then proceed to do a full Vinyasa Lakshmi yoga flow. The Anjali Mudra (hands in prayer pose) in between flows gave me time to pause and think.

Where is this coming from? Whatever this is, I’m ready to let go of. With every pause, I kept on asking my Self.


In Savasana at the end of my flow, I just let me body relax but my mind is still working on that question. WHAT AM I TRYING TO CREATE?

In the past few months, my priorities have switched based on what’s going on in the world and with my family. I have been so busy trying to “make the productivity requirements” of my side jobs and with what’s going on with the world, I have gone into survival mode that I forgot my main purpose. I was sidetracked. I feel lost.

MY MAIN PURPOSE. CREATE. WRITE. MOTIVATE. BE THE LIGHT. HEAL. BE. I’ve lost my focus. I needed redirecting. I needed to realign. I know I am meant to be here to fulfill my purpose.

Although I have been given help, I know there can be no replacements on who can take over the life I live. The experiences I share. The motivations I give. The love I offer. The work that I am giving my Soul into. No one carries the same message to share with to the world. My purpose, however small, is important, on an interpersonal and global level. I don’t mean to sound proud or superior than. In fact, this is me being humble. This is me telling the world, “This is who I am. Here I am. Take my words. Take my writings. Know I’m also human. I’m going through what you are going through. I am here. I can listen.”

So if I can just extend a hand or show a glimmer of hope, one person at a time, then I can go back to what I came here to do.

Re-focus. Re-direct. Re-align. That’s what’s I’m working on. Get back on track. Trust the journey. Keep on going. Keep on keeping on.

So mote it be.

Image by My Life Journal via Unsplash

Image by My Life Journal via Unsplash

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”  –  Maya Angelou

Anna Evans

I am a writer at heart. My love for art and my creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion, as I was catapulted into a profession that I offered my love and passion for, and held it noble for 30+ years of my life.

I am a wife and a mom to 2 brilliant young adults/old souls. Going through midlife and empty-nesting, I have learned the power of true human connection.

I have a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy with 30+ experience in clinical practice, administration, academia, and academic administration. I am a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.


A Glimmer of Hope…

