“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
~Maya Angelou
Head Up…Wings Out
One of the most difficult things is learning that I WAS WORTH THE RECOVERY. I do not have to persist to show my worth. I do not have to stay. I could set my boundaries. You cannot heal in the environment where you got sick. I needed to leave. Survival mode is over. It’s not giving up. It’s SURRENDERING. Surrendering to what awaits me, no matter how uncertain it could be. Surrendering to the Divine process. BUT I HAVE TO ALLOW MYSELF TO WALK AWAY.
Square Peg in a Round Hole
A lot of people think of misfits as something bad or negative. In my world, it is something that makes one unique. Fifteen years ago, someone read my aura and asked me if I’ve ever felt like I don’t belong? I did not totally understand what she was asking.
The Love I Deserve
Last night was the last straw. I felt the need to distance myself. I need honest and straightforward people. I am tired of sorting out people in my life.
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