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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

When They Fly Away

They are old souls, I'm sure of that— teaching me how to navigate through life's circumstances and complexities. Everyday I’m proud of their kindness, their efforts, their hearts—and for that, I AM TRULY BLESSED.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Am I Making a Difference?

To guide and support. That’s all we could do as they go through their own successes and wins..loss and defeats, and with how they are coping with the bigger issues the world has put on our shoulders. On our children’s shoulders.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

I Only Need a Little Bit

I Only Need a Little Bit

Of Time to Spend

Of Sacred Space

Of Place to Unwind

Of Moments to Cherish

Of a Push on the back

Of a Tap on the shoulder

Of a Word of Honor.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

That Blanket Fort

So, welcome to my blanket fort. Just know that I can be overbearing and unlikeable at times. That I can feel anxious and helpless and sad. That I might push people away from my blanket.  That I might pull more than enough of the blanket for myself. But if you stay and know me and my struggles, and are willing to put up with me, then you are welcome to stay.  That's when I know you are in my circle. That you are my tribe. Just bear with me.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Today, I Played the Piano

As much as I wanted that past life back, I know that music shaped my kids into what they are now. And that! That’s what makes life worthwhile. That’s what breathes life to my tired body, mind, and soul…

…and so I heal.

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