When You Feel Your Best

“Live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find eternity in each moment.” ~Henry David Thoreau

How long has it been? More than a year? 

Cuddled on the couch with your “persons” watching the series finale of Game of Thrones.

Chilling by the bonfire after dinner.

Grape stomping at a local winery.

Clinking wine glasses in celebration of something or nothing. 

Playing cards where you make up the rules of the game, just because you don’t want the night to end.

And holy karaoke!


The past year has changed all that. We have gotten used to just checking on each other through text messaging. Missing birthdays and holidays when we were supposed to be celebrating together with friends.

I miss those moments. Now we meet up only where it’s safe, where there is open air, or for short periods when we need something from each other.

A couple of days ago, I spent a night with a friend. Just her and I (and her wonderful dog). It was the first time in more than a year that I spent overnight with someone outside my nuclear family.  It was also the first time I’ve driven that far for more than a year.  Driving felt easy. It just comes back to me, like riding a bicycle.

The same is true with my friend.  It comes back so easily. I am not an easy person to warm up with, but it’s just riding a bike-- with the right person. 

“Sometimes you just have to pay attention to who you’re with when you feel your best.”

You get to be yourself. 

When your Spirit is at your best. 

You dance in the kitchen while singing old tunes.

You hang out on the couch watching movies.

Roughhousing like siblings do.

You chill on the back porch watching the moon and enjoying the evening breeze.

You talk about nothing and everything.

A walk around the neighborhood with the dog.

Everything...so easy.

Which got me thinking: who would I be outside of our present circumstance?

Remember the time when you just go to a friend’s place unannounced and start looking for snacks and booze at their fridge? When you make impromptu plans for an evening bar-hopping? When you don’t have to question “safety”? When you don’t have to ask if they’re vaccinated, or tested, or who they came in contact with 5-7 days prior to your meeting?


I long for that world again, where you can just play with your friends. 





A world where you can live life wholeheartedly. 

Living easily in the Present. 

Launching yourself on every wave. 

Dancing in the middle of nowhere freely with any tune. 




But free...and safe. 


I have high hopes. 

Everything in Divine Order. So in the meantime, know this...

There’s always a reason to smile NOW. Where you are at your best NOW. No matter the circumstances. Find eternity at this moment...IN THE NOW.

Image by SVP Productions via Shutterstock

Image by SVP Productions via Shutterstock

“Every deep desire is a prayer” ~Eknath Easwaran

Anna Evans

I am a writer at heart. My love for art and my creativity was stunted at a young age because of an elder’s opinion, as I was catapulted into a profession that I offered my love and passion for, and held it noble for 30+ years of my life.

I am a wife and a mom to 2 brilliant young adults/old souls. Going through midlife and empty-nesting, I have learned the power of true human connection.

I have a doctorate degree in Physical Therapy with 30+ experience in clinical practice, administration, academia, and academic administration. I am a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Life Coach, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.


Wholehearted Parenting


On A Much Grander Scale