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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

What Was and What’s To Be

As I learn to find solace in that rock bottom, I am finding the beauty—how my heart feels, how my mind overthinks, how my Soul refuses to be tempered. In the spirit of love and forgiveness, I am also learning to reclaim my power back. Just looking at the beauty of that deep valley in my mind, I know this place serves a purpose.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


Cast your cares, you tender being

Cast your heart and hear it beating

Cast your mind and know you’re willing

Cast your soul and find yourself conquering

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

The Soul to Dare

When you take the risk to get to that mountaintop, you get to see the whole picture. Your vision is clearer. You get to see the whole dance. You get to see humanity, yours, and theirs. You get to see that no matter how small the steps you took, and how many times you stumbled and get hurt and bruised, you are still standing. You are stronger than ever. You are bolder than ever. Your dreams are clearer than ever.

Dare to take that first step. You will always be Divinely guided and protected.

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