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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

No Regrets

If I could heal then, I could heal now. It will take a lot of work on my part—forgiveness, self-care, self-love. Journaling. Keep on writing. Poetry. Keep. On.  Writing. Because in the future, when I look back, I'm pretty certain I will repeat these words, "I survived this. It's safe. You're safe. Let go."

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

That Sucker Punch

Keep faith. Sometimes we have to go through the darkness to find the answers. To rediscover your light. To find your power. To keep on going.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

If you Build It, They Will Come...

I now understand how people need genuine connection. It does not involve numbers and equations of what I'm worth or what you're worth.  But I can sit by you.  My soul craves for real connections with likeminded people. How are you feeling? When was the last time you cried? Tell me what you are grateful for. Why do you feel vulnerable? What beauty do you see? What sparks the light within you?

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