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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Be Soft

Amid rest and healing, you can find that there is strength within you. In the resting, you can find the softness of acceptance. In the healing, you can see the softness of flexibility and resilience. In the process, you can find that “soft” is what you need—it is that gentle force that will lead you to your Self. Be gentle to who you are becoming.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Focus On Your Love

Focus on your LOVE. That one unique Love that only you can give. To the ones most important to you. That love is your sliver of light. That love will be the outgrowth, an offshoot that you can cling on to haul yourself up.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans


I am still transforming. I am still evolving-- but in a different way. My transformation has to adapt to our current situation. I have to adapt to the current situation. I don’t have to chase anything at this time. I think that’s what resilience means, for now-- continuing to evolve by just BEing. Not forcing anything. Just let things “light on me”. Then with transformation comes wisdom.

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