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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

Which One Are You Feeding?

My hope is that as you open your heart and mind to new possibilities, as you become MINDFUL of feeding the “good wolf” in you. The good that is in you. The GOOD that is YOU.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

In the Hammock’s Womb

In the belly of the hammock is that Inner Child seeking validation and wanting to know her own worth. I felt the hammock womb’s warm embrace, giving me assurances that all is well, in spite of my fears and insecurities. No criticisms. No need to prove anything. No need to show my worth. Just be that child in the womb, being cared for—safe, and secure. Tears don’t come out freely from this tired spirit, but I took a deep breath and just let myself be lulled within that womb.

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Guest User Guest User

God’s In Control

Lord…Let me pause and entrust things to Your wisdom and providence….Teach me the humility to accept the daily events which are beyond my control. I pray with fervent faith and trust that my heavenly Father indeed has everything under His loving direction, Amen.

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