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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

~Maya Angelou

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Guest User Guest User

The Bounty of Blessings

Our Father knows our needs more than we realize. We just have to ask in deep faith and fervent hope for the things that we need and He will surprise us with His graciousness beyond our expectations.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

When They Fly Away

They are old souls, I'm sure of that— teaching me how to navigate through life's circumstances and complexities. Everyday I’m proud of their kindness, their efforts, their hearts—and for that, I AM TRULY BLESSED.

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Anna Evans Anna Evans

My Sacred Life

When it comes to gratitude for all the blessings I have and refocusing back to my priorities, sometimes I lack the words to express how blessed and thankful I am.

So…here are my “what matter most” in words and images…

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