Boundless Authenticity

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Goodnight My Love

Not too long ago, a friend posted on social media that she dreamt of my daughter Gaby. She was beaming, smiling sweetly at her. She posted this song to dedicate to Gaby. As I was listening to it, I realized, I could have written this song! As it is saying what is actually in my heart, when I said my goodbye to dear Gaby. But, on the other hand, she could have written this song for me, too, as she comforts me throughout my grief. And you know what? This could also be God’s lullaby to us as we navigate through all our pains, anxieties, worries at this time…

I would like to dedicate this not only to my Mourning to Morning family, but to all of you out there who have lost a loved one during this time of Pandemic. My heart grieves with you all…

* Always/Goodnight by Scott Alan

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